Saturday, February 18, 2012

Leah was WAY more than just a "butterface"* and a "booby prize" wife.

Quick slang lesson: *Butterface- a slang term used to describe a woman who has a nice body but her face lacks in the attractiveness department ( i.e., "She's got a nice body, butHERface is messed up!").  No, I do not agree with this term or with using it, by the way.  

Hello DWDI Family!

     Hope you all are doing well today! All of this buzz around Kate Upton and standards of outer beauty led me to write today's post.  Click here to see a funny cartoon and story that summarizes the Kate Upton controversy.  

     Today's entry is about one of my favorite mighty women of God, Leah.  I always felt so sympathetic to Leah because of her story.  As a full figured woman, I understand what it feels like to think you are just "there" or "not good enough" because I'm not a size 2 (and proud of it, by the way) or for something else that makes me "unattractive" in the eyes of society at large.  Or, even worse, to have guys overlook me and go after the same "hot" girls, or to constantly read online profiles of Christian men looking for "athletic" or "slim" women even though I would be a great match as far as personality and religious beliefs.  But, having a couple of guys say that I was ugly for no reason was probably the worse.  Then, I finally realized that society is full of sin and it's warped people's brains as far as beauty and that people who has the nerve to say something so mean are worse off than me and need prayer.  Plus, why in the world would I want to fit in with standards that come from anywhere but God?! :-) Shortly thereafter, I realized that Leah wasn't a woman to pity, but a woman to praise because she was such a godly and blessed woman.  

     Leah was married to Jacob, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham.  After Jacob tricked his father into receiving the blessing meant for his twin brother, Esau, he fled to his Uncle Laban's house for his safety and to find a suitable wife.  There, he saw Laban's daughter, Rachel (yes, his first cousin).  Rachel was a hottie and Jacob instantly wanted to marry her.  He even kissed her when he first saw her!  Jacob pledged to marry Rachel in exchange for working for Laban for 7 years.  Jacob received his bride, wearing her ceremonial veil and they consummated their marriage.  Jacob awoke the next day to discover that LEAH not RACHEL was with him.  Jacob wasn't happy.  Leah, Rachel's older sister, was "weak-eyed" or "tender-eyed," which could mean that she was cross-eyed or had big, bulging eyes.  Basically, she had "unattractive" eyes and it made her less attractive in comparison to Rachel.  Laban agreed to let Jacob marry Rachel in addition to Leah for another 7 years worth of work.

     Ouch for Leah and her woman pride! Jacob basically tried to return her to her father and then exchange her for her hotter younger sister.  To add insult to injury, Jacob loved Rachel, an idol worshipper, but had no love for Leah, a woman of God (link to pertinent scripture).  God saw what was happening and allowed Leah to bare children before Rachel and more than Rachel ended up having.  Plus, Leah realized that her happiness was not in her husband, but in God, so she focused on Him instead of Jacob. AND, Rachel stole her father's idols and then LIED about having done so.  She clearly had issues with her faith and with lying and her father and her husband practiced deceit as well.  Leah, however, was a faithful woman of God.  She was loyal to her husband when he wanted to return to his native land, and it was through her son, Judah (from the Hebrew word for praise), that we see both King David and ultimately King Jesus! Now, that's a mighty woman of God whom God used to further His purpose! See, guys, this is why God tells you to look past what you see with your eyes and to marry a Proverbs 31: 10-31 woman because charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord should be praised.  Women should also look for godly men who are strong in faith and in character, by the way.  Jacob did not fully realize or appreciate the helpmate he had in Leah, but God recognized her worth and chose her as an earthly ancestor of Jesus. 

    Realizing how God loves us sees us all as beautiful makes me appreciate myself more and I want to grow closer to Him.  This is what makes me and you special in God's eyes.  So, I encourage everyone to look at themselves differently and to admire (and fine tune, if necessary, which is definitely an ongoing process for me) God's handwork in creating our bodies in all shapes in sizes and in nurturing our souls.    


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