Saturday, May 12, 2012

The sun always comes out tomorrow!

Hello D.W.D.I. Family!
     Happy Saturday! I hope you all have been doing well and taking good care of yourselves and your fellow man.  Sorry I have not posted sooner.  My body is now on a fairly early bedtime schedule so as soon as I come home and either workout or help out my mother with cooking (or anything else around the house), I am ready for bed! LOL! How have I been doing otherwise? That's a good question and here's your answer:

     For the most part, I have been FABULOUS! Really, I have been!  The day of my last post was rough at first but I just decided that I am going to stop putting so much pressure on myself to be perfect and to try to make things happen my way and on my time.  I have to stop saying that I am the failure out of all of my friends and just focus on my path in life.  As soon as I realized that, it is like a HUGE WEIGHT was lifted off of my shoulders! Yes, I will, once again, have to retake that exam (I missed the pass mark by just a few points) but I will not be nearly as miserable because I am freeing myself from a lot of worry and stress.

     How did I do that, you ask? I just truly decided to give all of my burdens to God.

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, 
    who daily bears our burdens.  Psalms 68:19. 
 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.  1 John 5:2-4.  

I say truly because I think that sometimes I do not want to fully give my burdens up to Him because I think I can solve my own problems.  Or, in the alternative, that I do give Him the burdens but then take them back because I think I can solve those problems.  Neither of those choices is good or effective and it just makes life harder than it has to be.  When I decided to let go of those burdens, I just felt so much better.  I still feel so much better.  I feel like I can take on life and all of its twists and turns because I am no longer carrying the burden of failure on me 24-7-365.  Do those thoughts creep back up? Of course! Especially since that "someone wonderful" just disappeared.  Yep, disappeared.  As in I have not heard from him in 2 weeks despite my letting him know that I had failed and I needed support.  But,  it is for the best because he is not what I need because he clearly cannot support me or understand why I have this new peace.  I still feel free.  I know that despite all of this that I am still a nice person who is still blessed by God.  I know that this is temporary and that God will take care of me.  I just hope that you all realize this way sooner than I did :-)

Well, I have got to do some last minute Mother's Day shopping with my brother, work out some, and go on a date with a good Christian man :-)  I hope you all have wonderful Saturdays and very happy Mother's Days!


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-Curvy, Cute, and Christian (CCC)