Hello D.W.D.I. Family!
I hope everyone is having a HAPPY THURSDAY! Whoot whoot! It's almost the weekend, fam! Okay, I have been slaving away for a bit trying to pay my bills. My temporary job no longer provides enough money to pay all of my bills. I was so stressed about making it through this month since I have had numerous interviews but no offers, but the Lord kept His promise of delivering me out of this troublesome month,
But, I will not lie to y'all, I have been so stressed!I am trying to provide for myself and for someone else who is also in trouble financially. I have been able to do it so far, but I am not sure if I can do it again for that person. I have been working to the best of my ability. But, I continuously have to remind myself of this:Psalm 50:15
New International Version (NIV)15 "and call on me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” -via Biblegateway.com
Matthew 6:25
New International Version (NIV)
Do Not Worry
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? "-via Biblegateway.comI will blog more about my struggles with unemployment in a later post. Now, I want to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court. As you can tell by my title, I am not happy with our highest court in the land. Why? Well, here goes (letting you know right now that I will speak my mind about both race and homosexuality):
1. I support affirmative action even though it needs to be revamped to include poor people of all colors who actually had to overcome adversity, not just someone who is a minority who is actually wealthy because they likely already had access to things that a poorer student did not have. The Supreme Court's decision will likely get rid of University of Texas at Austin (UT)'s efforts to include race/representation as a factor in college admissions, in addition to factors like extra-curriculars and test scores. The last time a similar measure happened at UT the number of college students of color admitted to the university dropped drastically.
**SIDE NOTE: The main people who benefit under affirmative action are white women. DO NOT believe the media when it makes it look like minorities, particularly blacks are getting jobs for which they are not qualified. Trust me. Black women like me in a professional setting do not have an easy time getting through the door. Both myself and my educated black friends in my profession (along with educated black friends of educated black friends) are still looking for jobs and other friends who are not black have jobs. Plus, don't even get me started on how many people get into school and get jobs because of family connections or because they are rich. Now that is not earning a spot or a job.**
2. I support the Voting Rights Act, along with most of Congress in 2006. Unfortunately, overturning Section 4 of this act means that historically racist/prejudiced states no longer have to have voting laws and redistricting measures checked by the federal government. Despite what Chief Justice Roberts believes, voting for minorities increased not because racism decreased but because the law was effective at preventing and addressing grievances. I consider this to be egregious and offensive as a black woman from a family of black people that vote. And, that right was not fully enforced until the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965, years after my parents were born.
3. I do not support the actions of homosexuality or gay marriage, and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was just overturned. I have gay friends and they know how I feel about this. It is a sin but I care about people so I totally treat my friends the same, gay or straight. Shoot, I don't treat friends or family members differently because they fornicated, lied, etc., so I would I do that to a gay friend? Anyways, from Genesis 1:1-19 to Judges 19:16-24 to 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 to Jude 7, the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments says it's a sin. Point blank. I do not support anyone saying a sin is okay. Despite what public opinion is on what is or is not fair, gay marriage not right and it is not okay.
I think one verse can summarize all of these things: “Love does not rejoice in iniquity” (1 Cor. 13:6)-via Biblegateway.com. Well, 1 John 4:8 states that God is love, so it is safe to say that God does not rejoice in iniquity. Additionally, 2 Thessalonians 1:6 says that God is just. None of these decisions seem just to me, and I think they contribute to the downfall of our country. It just makes me so mad that the people who are supposed to uphold the justice in our country totally fell down on the job. It also makes me mad when Christians condone a sin (which will be my next post). Fortunately, God will pay back those who trouble us according to 2 Thessalonians 1:6. All we have to do is get through each day knowing that God loves us and takes care of us just like Matthew 6:25 (see above quote).
Okay, I am tired right now so I need to sleep. Have a good night, D.W.D.I. Family! TTYS!