God is trying to tell me (and you) something!
In general:
In dating:
In general:
- Have you ever just been too tired to do anything?
- We have GOT to do better, Christians: R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
- Who should help the poor?
- Never give up! Never surrender!
- Comfort just when I need it.
- The sun always comes out tomorrow!
- Well, I got my answer...
- Waiting on the Lord's Answer to a Long Standing Question
- For the love of money, or for at least not being broke the rest of my life :-)
- Whoo, Imma stay saved!
- Both of my fathers know best :-)
- Tithing and supporting churches.
- Why do these things keep happening?!
- The importance of giving things over to God.
- Feeling like a failure?
- Leah was WAY more than just a "butterface" and a "booby prize" wife.
- Fear = the absence of faith
In dating:
- Online Dating, Part 4: Didn't see that coming
- Upon examination of a bad situation, I still made it out just fine.
- A real potential mate for any Protestant Christian is another Protestant Christian. I know this will anger people, particularly Catholics or anyone who thinks that their faith is close enough to date a Protestant Christian, but it is the truth. We are saved by faith and grace through the blood of Christ. That it is. No other laws to follow for salvation nor other works to perform to become saved. Baptism is not needed for salvation, but is an outward expression of the inward transformation that occurs when a person accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior. The Bible alone, not the Catholic Church, the Pope, a LDS prophet, etc., has the Word of God. Nothing else. Jesus alone is our redeemer, not Mary (who was a wonderful, virtuous woman, but just the vessel for humanity's savior). Jesus was not also Michael, the arch angel. No one can achieve a god-like status through their works. Works are what we are supposed to do as Christians because it is what Jesus would do, but it does not elevate us to such a status. My effort put into my relationship with God (reading my Bible, going to church, asking and researching questions, praying to God for the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to me) is what builds a rewarding relationship with Him. I cannot, nor can anyone else, achieve the same thing by relying on someone else to have that relationship for me. If you are a Protestant and you date anyone who does not feel the same way on these things (including that the Holy Trinity is not 3-in-1 and that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have existed as such from Day 1), it is a BIG DEAL and it must be recified immediately.
- A real potential mate for a Protestant Christian will see your potential and not judge you for things that are just temporary.
- A real potential mate for a Protestant Christian makes time for you when reasonable. Somone who makes excuses or just disappears when it it convenient is someone who needs to become an ex-whatever he or she (for my male readers) was A.S.A.P.
- A real potential mate for a Protestant Christian respects your decision to remain a virgin or celibate until marriage and DOES NOT TRY TO GET YOU TO HAVE SEX IN ANY FORM (oral, masturbation, sexual intercourse).
- A real potential mate for a Protestant Christian respects you for you and encourages you to be the best you you can be (a.k.a. the best child of God you can be).
- A real potential mate for a Protestant Christian wants the best mate, regardless of race or background/things you cannot control.
- A real potential mate for a Protestant Christian is already working on their relationship with God by the time you are dating (friends can encourage each other and then begin dating).
- A real potential mate for a Protestant Christian starts out as a great Christian friend.
- As a Protestant Christian, you SHOULD date more than one person at a time. Do not put all of your emotional "eggs in one basket." Be honest and say that you are dating other people but do you should "play the field." Actually, if you meet someone online, you should assume they are dating or conversing with others until you both agree otherwise.
- As a Protestant Christian, you should cut harmful people out of your life. People who distract you and detract from your walk with God should be removed. Wish them the best of luck and push them out of your mind for God has better things in store for you in the future.
- As a Protestant Christian, you should talk and constantly communicate with God about the people in your life who could be future love interests. Honestly, when I've been dumped, left out to dry, etc., it's been after I've prayed about them and our relationship together and/or our situation. God slammed those doors in my face. It does hurt now but He has already opened up new ones for me; all I have to do is have faith in His wisdom and walk right through them.
- As a Protestant Christian, DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF for a relationship failure if a person just decides that you are not the one and you did nothing wrong for them to reach that decision. It is their choice. If he or she values more wordly things and not you for your decision to be in the world but not of the world, then he or she should go. It is better for you. God loves you. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made and knitted together in the womb by God. He thinks we are all beautiful and loves us unconditionally. DO NOT compare yourself to whomever that person is now dating. Despite what it seems, NO ONE IS PERFECT so do not beat yourself up for being who God made you to be because He does not make mistakes! Love God, love Jesus, love the Holy Spirit, love yourself, love your neighbor and strive to be a better Christian each and every day.
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-Curvy, Cute, and Christian (CCC)