Thursday, June 28, 2012

Zumba: Some wins and a bunch of fails!

Hey D.W.D.I. Family!

    Hope everyone is having a great day! The library has not been so quiet today.  Between noisy children, inconsiderate adults on cell phones, loud librarians (aren't they supposed to be the main people who whisper), and a long line of people dressed as zombies and making loud noises, I haven't been able to concentrate.  UGH!

   Well, I have maintained my zumba class attendance.  YAY! But, I have had some snags along the way.  So, my fitness club has a rule that you must have a pass to attend certain popular fitness classes like zumba.  Otherwise, no pass = no class.  This makes me upset because I now have to go to the gym super early just to make sure I can exercise.  I've had wrist pain and it makes it difficult for me to lift weights now so I solely attend classes for my exercise.

  Zumba Fail #1: So, I finally talked my mother into joining me for zumba.  Too bad she neglected to tell me she was running late from her long commute until it was too late AND she no longer wanted to attend the class! By the time we got to the gym all of the passes for that zumba class were gone.  Mom was relieved she didn't have to dance in front of strangers but I was HEATED! I paid for my membership and yet I still can't go to the class? What on earth?! I even tried to sneak in but luckily my friend's phone call gave me a good excuse to step out of line when I realized they were taking the passes at the door.  I tried some weight lifting but that was a fail.  Plus, my friend needed me at that moment so it was a good thing I was not exercising during that time.  Additionally, following the rules is super important.  I was still mad I missed the class but I was glad I followed the class pass rules.  And, God saved me from some major embarrassment! How? Well, that brings me to...

   Zumba Fail #2: I get there this past Monday and get my pass.  YES! WIN! I get in the class and find a great spot. We're exercising and having a great work out until one of the gym employees stops the class.  Why? Because people had sneaked into the class without passes AND the class would not resume until those people left! It took a few minutes before those people left and it was quite a few.  I wasn't mad at them because clearly I thought about doing the same thing but I'm glad I didn't get embarrassed like that.  Thank you, Lord! It's not fair to not be able to take advantage of a class we pay for but we all have to follow the rules.  I really think the club should just use the basketball court for that larger class because it's so late in the evening and more people would take the class than would play basketball during that hour.  That would be a better solution than this pass thing so people get their money's worth in this economy and don't feel cheated by a big, rich corporation.

   Zumba Fail #3:  Yesterday, I get there super early and get my pass. WHOOT WHOOT! Another W in the Win column! I get in line and continue studying some things while some women who arrived later sat in front of me and started talking loudly.  I was annoyed but I was just tried to stay calm and to "stay saved." Then, this guy showed up and started talking to them.  I was more annoyed but I kept studying.  When the previous class left the workout room, the group of women in front of me surprisingly lets me go before them.  Thank you God for giving me patience and for prompting them to treat me fairly.  I get up there but the guy asks me to allow the other people to come out of the room.  That would have been fine for someone else but not me.  I was extremely close to that group of women and I HATE to have people anywhere close enough to touch my neck, back, and shoulders and trigger fibromyalgia pain.  I was not in pain at that moment, but it just hits me sometimes (like right now).  It's just a knee-jerk reaction to get away from groups/crowds of people before they accidentally touch me, I yelp in pain, and then I have to explain why I look like a nutcase.  The guy asked me to wait for one more person but my anxiety got the best of me (and she was still like 20 ft from the door) so I just went in.  The anxiety disappeared and I got ready to dance.  I looked for the usual instructor and kept wondering why that same guy at the door was putting on a microphone. Yep, you guessed it family, that guy at the door who had spoken with the group of women was my new zumba class instructor.  And I looked like a complete jerk because no one knew why I HAD to hurry into class.  FAIL!

  Zumba Fail #4: I looked like a jerk in front of the HANDSOME male zumba instructor.  I think most of the women in that class were taken aback by how cute he was.  FAIL!!

  Zumba Fail #5: That HANDSOME male zumba instructor is hyper as all get out and likes to do complicated moves.  We are talking Chris Brown-Channing Tatum moves here, Family! Like Move like Jaggar moves! I caught on to some of it and other moves were just not good.   I almost ran into the woman next to me a couple of times.  I even laughed aloud at times because I looked like a HOT MESS along with at least half the women in the class.  I was thankful to just make it through the class without passing out!  Plus, I was SO SORE when I got home even after stretching and a hot shower.  Was this a lesson in patience failed and how I should not give in to fear? I'm not sure. I didn't feel the same feeling of "don't do this" I felt last week.  I do know that my attempts at dancing last night were a FAIL!!!

  Well, I'd better get back to work.  I hope you all enjoyed this post and remember that we all have weak moments but we can get through them with our sanity and dignity in tact with God's help.  When we allow God to work in us, He helps us even when we haven't called on Him just because He cares! Plus, life is just a lot easier when you can laugh at yourself.  :-) Take care, D.W.D.I. Family, and I'll TTYS!


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