Monday, March 19, 2012

Online Dating, part 3: Was I too mean?

Hello DWDI Family!

  Well, I am wondering if I was too mean to that "someone wonderful" who kept texting me.  I was nice enough to meet with him and to say we could give it another shot.  Too bad he is already falling off the wagon, o.m. goodness! Not returning text messages during an exchange.  Not returning a phone call.  Making me think that something might have actually been wrong with you because I had not heard from you via text or phone for 48 hours only to find out that you had been doing yard work and been to a car show.  Um, what? Am I just unreasonable, DWDI Family, for expecting a fair amount of communication? It is not like I even texted him everyday last week or had called him prior to this weekend.  That is what I get for having reasonably expectations and treating people with courtesy...?  Well, when I finally heard from him, he was just acting like nothing was wrong.  I tried to continue texting like everything was cool, then he just fell off the texting planet yet again!  Family, I held my peace for a few hours and shed some tears. I also painted my nails in a nice shade of pink.  It similar to the background of this picture.  It is Audrina by Zoya if anyone wants to check it out :-)  Anyways, I do not appreciate giving someone another chance and feeling like my kindness is getting taken for granted.  I finally had to text him early this morning and let him know the following:

  1. I was biting my tongue earlier and I refuse to do it any more (you guys already know that I do not like to bite my tongue);
  2. I felt that not contacting me sooner was inconsiderate, especially considering I had said that I was concerned about his safety since he had not just disappeared when we started seeing each other last year;
  3. I was confused because returning phone calls and text messages seem like common courtesies;
  4. I am trying and willing to work with his schedule but we have to find some middle ground on communication; and
  5. I am willing to work on it if he is willing.
It is just annoying.  It seems selfish. If you do not want to be in a relationship, why keep contacting me and why say that you want to work things out better this time after YOU ended things when your actions indicate otherwise?  I do not feel like I was mean; I feel like I was fair and upfront.  Yeah, I have not heard from him since that message.  I do not know if I expected to.  Actually, yes I did. I expected him to send me another text message ending things, hahaha.  I am sorry, but I am a giving person to a certain extent.  I realize that I am less giving in relationships with guys now than I was because I need to receive.  To a lot of people, I may not have much to my name right now besides a lot of school debt and a failed licensing examination, but that is not true; I am a wonderful woman and some man will be lucky to have me.  I just have to keep reminding myself of that throughout my dating disasters.  This guy may come around, but I do not expect to hear from him again.  Regardless, I have stood up for myself and I can look at myself and see my worth.  I am a child of God.  God has given me plenty and I deserved nothing from Him.  But, if a man is fortunate enough to catch my attention, he has to give me time and attention and EARN my respect, my loyalty, and my love.  Same goes for all of you out there, DWDI Family.  DO NOT SETTLE!  Plus, I let that guy know that I do not plan on being exclusive with him for a while.  He said he is not interested in dating other women.  He might have changed his mind after that latest text, hahahaha.

So, was I too mean? I do not think so.  I could have been WAY meaner and I said what I said to correct the behavior and to show that I have standards for myself and my relationships now.  I was fair and respectful but I do not tolerate foolishness from men any longer.  What do you all think? Leave your comments and I will get back to you.  I would love to hear from you all on this matter.

Well, I hope you all are having happy evenings after your school and/or work days.  Good night and I will talk to you all soon!


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-Curvy, Cute, and Christian (CCC)